Annotated bibliography

HINENI: Human Identity across Nations of the Earth Ngram Investigator

The most comprehensive freely available data for the study of human identity. HINENI charts the prevalence of identity signifiers over 32 nations, 12 years, many languages, and millions of individuals.

The evolution of occupational identity in twitter biographies

We compiled the transition matrix between job titles in English language bios over time. Watch as students become engineers and then founders.

Slava Ukraini: Exploring Identity Activism in Support of Ukraine via the Ukraine Flag Emoji on Twitter.

We observed Americans rapidly adding the Ukraine flag emoji to their bios. This was my first work to also examine the name profile field. As it turned out, more accounts displayed the emoji in the name than the bio.

Pronoun Lists in Profile Bios Display Increased Prevalence, Systematic Co-Presence with Other Keywords and Network Tie Clustering among US Twitter Users 2015-2022.

Adding pronouns to one’s bio is arguably the most pronounced trend in all the US data from 2015-2022. Here we document the trend, report on identity alloys and show that pronouns are clustered rather than diffuse in the follow network.

A dataset for the study of identity at scale: Annual Prevalence of American Twitter Users with specified Token in their Profile Bio 2015–2020.

The ipseological ur-text. My first call to study identity at scale. Introduced public free data and web tools!

Do LGBTQ-related Events Drive Individual Online Disclosure Decisions?

Pre-registered hypotheses regarding LGBTQ Add and Delete events. As-yet-unpublished, because of the wildly ambitious scope.

Using Twitter Bios to Measure Changes in Self-Identity: Are Americans Defining Themselves More Politically Over Time?

Early evidence that US Twitter users were politicizing their identities.