4  AI Fear Scenarios

What is it that Americans fear from artificial intelligence? Human extinction? Job loss?

In January of 2021, I summarized results this way:

More than anything, Americans fear who will control AI. They fear that Artificial Intelligence will be controlled by people who are greedy, selfish or irresponsible - much more than they fear losing their own job or AI leading to human extinction.

Now that I have repeated the survey, let’s see where Americans’ AI fears are directed.

4.1 Analysis, Visualization and Interpretation

I presented seven potential negative outcomes of artificial intelligence to survey respondents. In this Chapter, I will refer to these potential negative outcomes as Fear Scenarios (i.e. scenarios to be feared). Let’s first consider the 2023 survey of 500 US respondents from a representative sample. How much did they fear each scenario?


# The file ai-fear-scenarios-2023-wide-correlates.csv contains responses from a US representative sample of 500 respondents.
# Download the file from a public Open Science Framework repository.
responses = read_csv("https://osf.io/download/qpdvb/")

# Select columns and pivot.
fearResponses = responses %>% select(Extinction:Controlled_by_GSI) %>% 
    cols = everything(),
    names_to = "Fear",
    names_transform = list(Fear = ~ gsub("_", " ", .)),
    values_to = "Response")

# Set up some options for the figure.
#agi_2024_summary_caption = paste0("US representative sample, N = 501\nResponses collected April 2024\nSource: Thinking Machines, Pondering Humans by Dr. Jason Jeffrey Jones")
fear_scenarios_summary_2023_caption = paste0("Source: Thinking Machines, Pondering Humans by Dr. Jason Jeffrey Jones")
#fear_scenarios_summary_2023_colors = c("Possible to build" = "#798E87", "Should be built" = "#C27D38", "Same rights as a human" = "#CCC591")

# Summary Fear 2023 figure
fearResponses %>%
  group_by(Fear) %>%
    Mean_Response = mean(Response),
    sd = sd(Response),
    n = n(),
    se = sd / sqrt(n),
    error_low = Mean_Response - se,
    error_high = Mean_Response + se
  ) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = reorder(Fear, Mean_Response), y = Mean_Response, color = Fear, fill = Fear)) +
  # Add green and red shading to demarcate agree vs disagree.
  annotate(geom="rect", xmin=-Inf, xmax=Inf, ymin=0.0, ymax=Inf, fill="green", alpha=0.1) +
  annotate(geom="rect", xmin=-Inf, xmax=Inf, ymin=-Inf, ymax=0.0, fill="red", alpha=0.1) +
  # Annotations go first, so data elements are layered on top.
  geom_col() +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = error_low, ymax = error_high), color="black", width=0.2) +
  ggtitle("Americans' Fears of Artificial Intelligence", "Sept. 2023, Representative Sample, N = 500") +
  xlab("") + ylab("") +
  # Apply labels with wrapping.
  scale_x_discrete(labels = label_wrap(10)) +
  # Set color and fill values.
  #scale_fill_manual(values = agi_2024_summary_colors) + 
  #scale_color_manual(values = agi_2024_summary_colors) + 
  # Force y scale to -3 through 3. Put numbers on y-axis. Add low and high labels.
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-3,3), breaks = -3:3, labels = c("-3\nStrongly\ndisagree", "-2", "-1", "0\nNeither agree\nnor disagree", "1", "2", "3\nStrongly\nagree"), expand=expansion(mult = 0.025)) +
  labs(caption = fear_scenarios_summary_2023_caption) +
  theme(plot.caption = element_text(size=10, color = "#666666")) +
  # The legend has only redundant information.  Get rid of it.
  theme(legend.position = "none") +

2023 AI Fear Scenario results. On average, Americans TODO. Plotted is mean response on a 7-point Likert scale from Strongly disagree to Strongly agree. Black bars are +/- one standard error.

My apologies - this chapter is not yet complete. Subscribe to my once-weekly-or-less email newsletter to be notified when it is complete.

4.1.1 Change Over Time


4.2 Survey Items, Respondents and Costs

4.2.1 Survey Items


4.2.2 Respondents


4.2.3 Costs


4.4 Open Data and Code

Data for every chapter in this book can be found at the Thinking Machines, Pondering Humans data repository. R code for analysis and visualization is embedded above.

4.5 Summary and What’s Next