I am curious about Americans' attitudes toward artificial intelligence. I built this website to provide free and open frequently-updating data to address several of my research questions.
My name is Dr. Jason Jeffrey Jones, and I am writing a book about public perception of AI titled Thinking Machines, Pondering Humans.
I also am developing an open-source toolchain with the name Social Science Dashboard Inator. My Inator is based on the following principles:
The Jason Jeffrey Jones Productions' AI Daily Dashboard (this website) is one instantiation of a social science dashboard inator. It provides daily-compounding data that is free for anyone to use under a Creative Commons Attribution license. All funding provided by Jason Jeffrey Jones Productions.
I host the full, raw microdata on the Open Science Framework at https://osf.io/2ndsf/. The archive updates with new data daily. Find the most recent cumulative file in the ai-support folder. As of 2025-01-01, a total of 2879 responses are available!
Daily observations began on 2024-04-18. This about.html page last automatically updated on 2025-01-02.