Jason J. Jones Identity Trends V1

Welcome to the identity resolution revolution.

This website lets you explore how Americans are describing themselves online. Search for a word, and you will see the prevalence of American Twitter users who chose to include that word in their profile "bio." And you'll see the trend over time from 2015-2020. Read more in this one page description of the method. Or dive in with the form below.

Type 1 word, or up to 10 separated by commas.
Default. One randomly selected profile bio for each unique user observed in one year. About 10 million per year. Use this to see what is happening to the population of American Twitter users, including those who are infrequently active, or have joined after 2015
One randomly selected profile bio per year for each unique user observed in every year 2015-2020. Only for the 1.3 million users who can be observed every year. Use this to see what is happening at the individual level. One can be more confident the changes that are observed are due to individual rather than cohort effects. Generally, these series are more stable.

For cross-sectional, US data 2012-2023, use Jason Jeffrey Jones Identity Trends V2.